
Monday, April 27, 2015

Prime Spotlight: IronFactory IF-EX03 Sonictech and Fellows

Prime Spotlight presents: 

IronFactory IF-EX03 Sonictech and Fellows

IronFactory IF-EX03 Sonictech and Fellows

By TCP Staff


IronFactory is back again with this new set of Legends scaled figures that fit very well with Generations Metroplex. Here's IF-EX03 Sonictech and Fellows. The set contains Sonictech, Rhinobass, Leotreble, and a host of drones and weapons. Let's take a look at them more closely.


For legends sized figures, they have a lot are points of articulation. Supports a lot of poses and very expressive. Obviously, Sonictech doesn't have any ankle tilts or wrist swivels but that's understandable due tot he limitation in size. The set uses standard 5mm sized pegs for weapons and works well with other figures.


The figures are molded in colored plastic and have very minimal paint. It does have the chromed up weapons for Rhino base which looks good. Otherwise, we're very happy with the colors that they've chosen for the set.


Go and watch the video. These figures are easy to handle, that even kids should be able to transform them with ease.

Bottom Line:

If you have Generations Metroplex, then you should definitely get this set. Aside for being in scale, you can even recreate some of the scenes in the comicverse. Check out the Command Chair setup. Both Rhinobass and Leotreble can even be used as weapons by Sonictech or by other figures using the 5mm pegs.  This set is highly recommended. Great job IronFactory. We look forward to more figures in the line. Check out the video and the rest of the picture below. And when you're done, head on over to our store and order the set.

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