
Friday, December 4, 2015

GCreation Wrath - Grimlock

The Dinobots are my favorite group of Transformers. I've organized my collection around different sets of them.

Wrath is a large dinosaur. Although not taller than Masterpiece Grimlock, Wrath feels bulkier. His mouth opens to reveal a mouth gun. His neck ratchets up and down, but does not rotate. The ratchets in his hips are strong enough for both the classic Grimlock stance and the modern Tyrannosaur stance. He has individually articulated claws. His arms rotate at the shoulders and swivel at the elbows and wrists.

Transformation to dinosaur mode was not easy. I would rather do Andras' foot transformation again. There is a small black tab on the back that keeps coming loose because of the weight of the front half of the dinosaur. The robot leg/dinosaur tail is held together by thin plastic tabs and joints, some of which are very tight. One long piece in the tail is already on the verge of snapping off completely. The hips have to be angled just right or nothing will tab into place. There is also a bit of parts-forming with gold chrome pieces to fill in the hollow dinosaur neck, which is also hinged with transparent plastic.

His face sculpt has a very menacing look. Instead of light-piping, his eyes are painted in a metallic red. Kibble-wise, Wrath is as much an improvement over Growl as Growl was over Thunderous. All the chrome looks great, but is a pain to photograph. He has a lot more chrome than Growl and Thunderous, but his paint applications do not seem as nice. Overall, Wrath looks great.

For articulation, his head is on a ball joint. He has swivels at the biceps, wrists, thighs, and waist. His right bicep swivel was obstructed by sprue remnants until I filed them away. He has double-jointed elbows, but single-jointed knees. His thumbs are fixed, and his fingers articulate as one unit. His toes have some articulation to aid with posing. The pegs on his lower leg do not hold together very well. They are constantly coming undone as you ratchet his knees or turn his legs about. Some of the joints are very stiff.

His accessories include a rifle, a sword, combiner parts, and a bag of hips for Growl. Both weapons use a variation of the Masterpiece-style peg. That's three different peg systems in as many figures. The sword holds well, but the rifle will not peg into place. The slot seems to be too thin for the rifle peg. The combiner parts are just going to stay in the box since I have no interest in the combined mode.

Aesthetically, GCreation Wrath seems closer to Grimlock than Toyworld Grimshell, but as a playable toy, Grimshell is still more suitable. I'm quite happy displaying these Dinobots next to my CHUG figures. Wrath is sufficiently large enough to tower over most everyone else, including the rest of his own team. If you already have MP-09 Grimlock, and you have no interest in a Dinobot combiner, I can't say that this figure is all that necessary. I'm still going to pick up the other two so I can complete this set.

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