
Friday, January 15, 2016

Unique Toys Provider - Octane

I've always liked the Triple Changers. It's like having three toys in one. Unique Toys Provider is a good looking figure and features a set of fun transformations. 

The tanker could have used some separation from the cab, but overall looks great. He rolls just fine on rubber tires. The cab doesn't articulate from the tanker.

He cleans up fairly well as a jumbo jet. The front definitely looks better than the back. I'm glad it doesn't have a robot-with-a-backpack silhouette. Using the tires to form the engines is pretty smart way of getting the tanker tires out of the way. This is probably my favorite of the two alt modes.

I didn't encounter any difficulty in transforming between the various modes. Nothing needed to be forced. If a particular piece is blocked, it usually meant something else wasn't rotated enough out of the way. There's a neat mechanism to collapse the backpack into the empty torso region. 

His robot mode pretty much nails the G1 cartoon look. Although I like his head sculpt, I find his chin to be really narrow. He is fairly back heavy and will wobble if you don't position him just right, but his heel spurs will keep him from toppling over. I like the panel detailing and the different colors that break up all the white and grey plastic. His wingspan is impressive, but it eats up a lot of shelf space.

His head is on a balljoint. He has bicep, forearm, wrist, thigh, and waist swivels. The forearm swivel is obstructed by a panel though. His fingers are pinned through a single joint. He has single jointed elbows and knees. He has toe articulation, but the heel is fixed in place unless you untab it and break up the form.

His rifle is the only included accessory. It slots into his hand and stays in place. Both vehicles mode have weapon storage, but that's not a feature I care much about.

I find him too short to stand next to Chigurh on my Masterpiece shelf, and too tall for Blitzwing and Transportation Captain on my Combiner Wars shelf. He'll be going on my CHUG shelf next to Toyworld Evila Star. I included a bunch of comparison shots so you can decide where best he fits in your own collections.

I'm hoping Unique Toys works on a Blitzwing so I can have a cohesive set of Decepticon Triple Changers.