
Friday, February 5, 2016

Generation Toy Navvy - Scavenger

Navvy continues Generation Toy's wonderful take on the Constructicons. They are not exactly Masterpiece styled, but I don't think they look too out of place on a Masterpiece shelf.

Navvy looks great as an excavator, except for one thing. I can look past visible head syndrome if it's in the undercarriage or seen thru a windshield, but his head is clearly visible on the top of the vehicle. The treads don't rotate, but he rolls smoothly on little wheels. The excavator arm can rotate a full 360 degrees on a ratcheted swivel. The arm has three points of articulation. The base and middle joints are ratcheted, but the joint for the scoop is not. There are a lot of painted and molded detail. I especially like the working pistons on the excavator arm.

Transformation is the easiest of the set so far. My biggest complaint is that the forearm and leg kibble do not tab into place. They fold up nicely, but simply lay over other panels so are easily knocked loose.

Robot mode looks fantastic. The paint application shows off the panel details, especially his legs. They are not solid chunks of green or purple. I also like how parts of the tread fold away. His iconic chest plate is present. At first, I wasn't really liking his mismatched shoulders, but it's growing on me. He's the same height as Mixer and Scraper, but seems less bulky. His head sculpt looks wonderful. The orange light-piping is pretty effective.

His head is on a ball joint. His shoulders are hinged and can rotate on ratcheted swivels. He has double jointed elbows and single jointed knees. His fingers are single pinned and articulate as one unit. He swivels at the biceps, wrists, chest, waist, and thighs. His waist swivel is ratcheted. Although his chest swivel is really for transformation, it can be used for even more dynamic poses at the cost of breaking his sculpt. His ab crunch is great for even more posability. He has ball jointed hips and two swivel points on each thigh. His feet, toes, and heel spurs can rotate independently of each other.

His accessories include a gun, a combiner forearm and hand, a second head sculpt, an extra screw for the head, and an extra peg. The gun can store in vehicle mode, but as two separate pieces. He holds it fairly well in his hands. When not attached in vehicle mode, the combiner forearm can split open to reveal missile pods. It can also attach in robot mode as a winged jetpack. The extra head sculpt is more cartoon accurate. Despite removing the screw, I wasn't able to take the head off the joint. The extra peg is a longer peg for Mixer's gun.

For now, Navvy will join his team on my Masterpiece shelf. I haven't yet decided whether I'll ultimately display these as individual bots or as Devastator because the individuals look so good. We're half way there. I'm so excited for the rest of the team.

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