
Friday, March 11, 2016

FansProject Crox - Skullcruncher

Grax is about on par with the rest of the Nebulons in the FansProject line. The face is hidden by a mask in humanoid mode. Although he stays together pretty well in head mode, the figure could have used some tabs like Duros from Maketoys. His arms swivel at the shoulders and his legs swivel at the hips. He has single jointed knees.

Crox is a decent looking crocodile with plenty of line work and spikes. He's mostly green and purple, with some gold, white, and black for accents. His face has an aggressive look. I like how his legs splay to the side of the body. There is just enough room in the cockpit for Grax to sit.

His head tilts down and the tail waggles side to side. His mouth opens to reveal a pair of grinding saws that spin, which is pretty neat. His front feet are on ball joints, but the robot thumbs get in the way of their range of motion. He has quite a bit of articulation from the front arms which are the robot arms, but the whole front section of the crocodile keeps coming apart. His back feet are on hinges. His rear hips are on swivels and his knees are single jointed.

Transformation is straightforward. Unlike the other figures in the line, he does not feature any fun mechanics. There is a bit of parts-forming for the tail, which becomes his sword? spear? naginata?

The line work and paint applications carry from beast mode to give some visual interest to his robot mode. His head sculpt is done well with gold paint and a perpetual scowl. Unlike Toyworld Swamper, he is not a happy fellow. His shoulder panels lift up to reveal missile launchers.

His head is on a swivel and hinged platform that allows him to look down but not up. His shoulders are on hinges and ball joints. He swivels at the biceps, forearms, and thighs. His fists are static. He has double jointed elbows but single jointed knees. His hips are on ball joints. His toes are on swivels. He does not swivel at the waist, but he has a slight swivel at the crotch.

Crox does not come with any accessories.

Crox seems bit of a step backwards when compared to Sigma L. He's more akin to Quadruple U in design and lesser in engineering. I will probably display him on my Combiner Wars/Titans Return shelf. Although Hasbro will be making official Head Masters, the FansProject line is more than adequate to fill those spots on my shelf.

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