As you all know, The Chosen Prime has proudly marketed and sold Toyworld products for some time now with great success. In doing so, we had built a good standing relationship with the company as orders and support from our customers grew with each release. So, as TFCon Chicago came, and new products were announced, we placed up our Pre-Order pages for the items as they were shown at the show. With the thinking that everything was status quo, and we would be able place our orders when we returned home from the 10 day road trip that took us from Phoenix to Chicago and back. When we returned home and settled back in, we noticed that we had no contact from Toyworld or its affiliates. So we reached out to them to get the information on the 3 unreleased pieces we currently have on our website: Infintor, Devilstar and Muddy. The later of which is the second in their series of Dinobot combiner.
As many of you know we carried Roar, the first in that series, and certainly never imagined anything would prevent us from carrying the second and so on. However, after numerous attempts to contact Toyworld, we have been unsuccessful and thus feel we need to inform everyone of the issue and let you know that their products currently have been removed from our website. Though we will leave all Pre-Orders in place for the time being, until we see any change in the situation. We also understand and respect those of you that feel the need to take those orders elsewhere.
We have always been very happy with Toyworld on their products and support. We remain very hopeful that with some support from our loyal customer base, and that of the other companies affected by this issue, that we can obtain the attention of Toyworld to the point where we can again carry their products, as they are among the best in the industry of 3rd party Transforming Robots. If you would like to help us make this a possibility, please reach out to them tactfully and respectfully, and let them know you support small businesses like ours and the others that are affected by this strange and unfortunate change of direction from their company.
They can be contacted through their facebook page at or via email, at Again, we ask that you be respectful and polite in your requests, and please let it be known that your support is with small companies like ours. Also, please share this request out to as many people as you can, so the voice of The Chosen Prime family and others can be heard loud and clear.
Brandon Weik
The Chosen Prime

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