Sunday, January 18, 2015

Prime Spotlight: DX9Toys D04 Amor Set

Prime Spotlight presents: 

DX9Toys D04 Amor Set

DX9Toys D04 Amor Set is an upgrade kit for the Age of Extinction Voyager Evasion Mode Optimus Prime. The armor gives it a God Ginrai look, based on the Japanese TF Masterforce series. One thing we found is that there are no instructions included. Though, even without the instructions, it's easy enough to figure our where parts go.

In alt mode, the set makes Optimus look like a truck with an armored bed.

 You don't have to use all the parts. As shown below, if you just want to use the head, shoulder pads, smokestacks, and feet, it makes Evasion Mode Optimus Prime look great!

Here's an alternative look. Instead of using the shoulder guns, you can instead use the smokestacks in its place and have the guns mounted on the wings.

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